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San Ramón, Costa Rica Adventures

By Pan Tankersley

Home: Welcome

Week 15

Wow. This was the second to last week. It's crazy because time has both felt like its gone on forever, but also felt like its flown by....

Week 14

Alrighty folks, the countdown has started for me to come home. Not including today, its 11 days. Yikes! Well, along with the semester...

Week 13

My abuela and I have had many adventures this past week. I had to climb on the counter to change the batteries in a clock. I taught her...

Aside #2

Hello my friends. I know, right. Another aside?! What now? Who's dying? Spoiler alert: the earth is not so much dying as it is degrading....

Rest of Week 12

Semana Santa is over :( But, these last 4 weeks (literally so short) will be good. Well, the rest of the week was just as good as the...

Weeks 11-12

Whoops! I forgot to do a blog post last week. So, this one will have to be extra long. Classes have just been winding down in preparation...

Week 10

Alrighty, the rest of the week was packed. El was here until Sunday and boy howdy I'm so freaking grateful they came to visit me and we...

Week 9.5

Oof I'm very late to write. But, in all fairness, there's been a lot going on and I didn't want to miss anything. Last week's classes...

Week 8

Alrighty, back to the regularly scheduled program. Another week up and gone. I'm about halfway through now, which is super sad. But, I...

A quick aside

Howdy folks! You're probably wondering, "whoa a second blog post in a week?! Has something happened?!" And the answer is yes. Sort of....

Week 7

The sheer amount of homework my professors have suddenly wanted to assign is staggering. My classes were solid this week though. Bio...

Week 6

Well dang, another week in the books. Classes were wild this week. We had presentations in nearly all of them. I talked about Beetles in...

Week 5

Well... Its been a week. Classes have been interesting as always. We learned about Coral Reefs in Marine bio. There's wayyyy more animals...

Week 4

I'm late posting I know, but in all honesty I was tired. And there's not much to report haha. Classes are still rockin' and rollin'....

Week 3

This place just keeps getting better and better. Classes this week were intense. In Tropical Marine Biology we presented and discussed...

Week 2

Big big week. Classes are up and running and they're wild! My professor Jorge is so crazy, but in such a good way. Our classes are...

Weekend 2

SO MUCH STUFF. We took Saturday to do some completely touristy things. In a place a little ways from Jaco Beach to do a CANOPY ZIP-LINE...

Actual Week 1

One week down! And wow, it was packed. I've started my classes, and I think they're going to be the more interesting than all other...

Semana 1

It's crazy to think I've only been here 2 days. This weekend has been packed with all sorts of things. Yesterday we got oriented in the...

Travel Day

It's been a long day. Getting up at 4 is not easy. But. Travel was simple enough. I flew Greenville to Miami to San Jose, and then took a...

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