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A quick aside

Howdy folks!

You're probably wondering, "whoa a second blog post in a week?! Has something happened?!" And the answer is yes. Sort of. The thing that's stood out to me in all of my classes here, is that the earth is in need of our help. All of us. And I know you might be thinking "aw man don't turn this into a preachy blog". But the thing is, this whole climate problem is Wayyy bigger than I had even considered, so I feel obligated to share it with y'all and push some awesome organization and solutions.

The thing is, we're hurtling towards some pretty rough stuff if we don't get a handle on our lifestyle and carbon emissions. My tropical conservation class today was really impactful on that front. According to scientists, we need to cut our fossil fuel habit by 1/2 every year from now until the end of the decade, if we are to see a livable planet in the future. And yeah. That's a huge scary undertaking. But hey. That's what this blog post is about. It doesn't have to be.

One of the biggest things we can do is create clean energy. Cutting actual fossil fuel emissions through coal and gas will be HUGE to defend the earth. So, for my South Carolina peeps and for those wanting to make national change, check out these organizations :)

Cutting emissions is also a matter of taste. Literally haha. Check out your diet. Here are some fun statistics about the meat industry:

A little scary I know. But, phasing out meat from meals is as easy as anything. If Costa Rica has taught me anything. Its that beans are freaking delicious. Just try some Gallo Pinto with a fried egg on top. You won't need anything else. And this whole switching up your diet thing is backed up by a lot of science. Here's one really good research on it:

And finally, to stay on brand with who I am as a person. We gotta plant more plants. And this doesn't just mean trees (but please for goodness sake plant more trees). It involves planting more native plants: grasses, bushes, flowers, and of course, trees. It not only is great for the environment, it can also be a money saver. Because if your yard is terraformed to mirror native landscapes, you don't need to mow as often, and it'll use less water! You can put that money into something cool. Like a hobby. I don't know your life so ya know, go crazy with it. But yeah. Here's some cool stuff on that:

This site is perfect ^^^

So yeah. We're not too far gone. We can still make the world cleaner than we've found it. I think we're all pretty great, so we can absolutely get on this. And please, please, please. Look at the products you buy. Look for the ones that do the least harm to us. As high school musical says, "we're all in this together".

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