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Week 6

Well dang, another week in the books. Classes were wild this week. We had presentations in nearly all of them. I talked about Beetles in Bio diversity. Fun fact they're the oldest known animal pollinators. They're also incredibly clumsy. In tropical marine bio I talked about cyrptofauna. Which is a surprising broad and understudied topic. I recommend y'all check it out. They're basically any organism that lives in hidden places. In tropical conservation I talked about my favorite things. Trees. Specifically the Pau-Brasil. A really red tree in Brazil that's unfortunately highly endangered. Thanks colonization. In ecology and population I presented on pollinators and soil in Costa Rica. It was amazing. I literally talked for 45 mins. The class was a good one.

I finally got a rental phone. Thank goodness

We were going to play soccer Thursday. But a dog was playing catch on the field with his owners. So obviously we had to cancel. Plus I have a weird bruise on my foot so running Is painful. Idk how I got it.

As for the weekend. It's been pretty chill. Meleah, Jenna, Erin, and I went to a really nice pizza place on top of a mountain near here. WE COULD SEE THE OCEAN from the restaurant. It was incredible. We thought it was a big lake at first until our cab driver said it was the actual gulf. I mean this country is crazy. To be able to see the ocean from a beautiful mountain? Just when I think I can't fall in love with this place more, it shows me something like that. The pizza place was bangin too. Jenna and I split a veggie pizza and pesto pasta. I forgot how much I miss Italian food. Pasta especially. Good lord I ate so much pasta. And the sunset! It was gorgeous. We saw it set over the bay and the mountains of the Nicoya mountains. I will never forget how incredible it was. I was in an absolute food coma after.

My bio diversity went to our first field study Saturday. We went to a cloud forest reserve. It was fascinating. But unfortunately, there actually weren't clouds or mist. Thanks to climate change. This is my time to say. Please look at how you interact with the world. Buy organic. Recycle. Change little habits to help out the earth. Because, like the owners of the reserve said yesterday, these types of environments are rapidly disappearing and its really concerning and sad. The earth needs all of our help. And please. PLEASE. stop buying products with palm oil in it. Its so bad. Anyways. The reserve itself was beautiful. They're reforesting old pasture land and bringing back biodiversity. And the food! One of the owners cooked our lunch and just wow. The salad had fresh fruits and veggies. and for dessert we had this tropical fruit pie. I have to email that lady for the recipe because I have to make it for myself.

It was a pretty quick trip. So that afternoon I went to a new cafe with my friend Grace. We played bananagrams and I beat her so bad. I had the word "befuddled" on my board. It's honestly one of my proudest accomplishments.

I went to a little tico house party Saturday night as well. I'm pretty excited I'm making friends with the locals. Marlon was the dude throwing the party and he's really cool.

Anyways. another week down for the count. I got a ton of homework. So I guess I need to stop procrastinating and get it done.

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