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Semana 1

It's crazy to think I've only been here 2 days. This weekend has been packed with all sorts of things. Yesterday we got oriented in the Universidad campus and the program director introduced us to the city as well. He sent us on a scavenger hunt! We had to find USAC teachers throughout the city using different clues. I got to see the stadium, the community gym, the open air market, and the beautiful city center park. I think I'll be hanging out in the park, and the surrounding cafés a lot this semester.

I've found out just how big the city is though. I wasn't expecting it. But the city streets out across the valley pretty far. It reminds me of the Bronx a bit, except the buildings are shorter.

Today a whole lot of us went on a "hike". I say that because we mostly followed an incredibly steep road up a mountain by the town. We couldn't find the actual trail at first, so we ended up at a dirt lot. But the lot had a pretty nice view.

We went out to eat and drink tonight as well. And I gotta say, it was a hoot. The restaurants had great food and really delicious drinks. I think a group of us are going to become regulars at a place called Cantena.

I can't wait for classes tomorrow!

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