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Week 8

Alrighty, back to the regularly scheduled program. Another week up and gone. I'm about halfway through now, which is super sad. But, I won't lie, I'm missing home a bit. But anyways, no sad stuff. The week was busy. I had to present about fireworks in conservation. They might be pretty, but they are wrecking so many things. (The camp I worked at over the summer had an enormous fireworks display, which I'm now horrified by). Tropical Marine bio was easy. We've started our final project presentations, and everyone has some pretty cool topics. This week I learned about sharks. I had my final in Spanish (cross your fingers for that one). And yeah, classes were simple.

The weekend was pretty awesome. We headed to Jaco for some sun and some surf. I stayed in Buena Nota hostel. I was supposed to stay with my friend Grace, but something came up for her, so I was headed there solo. It was so much fun tho! I had a nice taxi driver that got me to the hostel once I had to separate from my friends after the bus. The hostel was really cute as well. All the walls were painted with palm trees and birds and all sorts of critters. And I met SO MANY Europeans. Almost all of them were from Germany too. There was this hostel party thing by the pool out back the first night, so of course, I went. There were three dudes who I talked to the majority of the night. Two were from Scotland and the other was from Canada. They were all fishing enthusiasts and it was interesting to hear how they were traveling South America in search of all the exotic fishing spots. I met two other girls from Germany when I was in the pool. They were super cool and recommended the breakfast place I went to in the morning.

I wasn't entirely alone in Jaco (don't be worried mom). My other friends were just staying in an Airbnb. We headed to the beach Saturday and it was SO HOT. Even the water felt like a bath tub. But it was still a very relaxing time. We rented some surf boards and tried to surf (it went fairly well). I stood up a few times. There was one dude that was absolutely surfing circles around us as well. Not that I'm jealous or anything.

After the beach I went back to the hostel to chill. But I ended up not doing that and instead playing beach volleyball with a ton of the people staying there. One local guy at the beach even joined. But that guy was so so weird. He was making cat hissing sounds at us and hitting the ball with his head a lot. Idk. It was a fun time though. At one point there was like 10 different nationalities playing on the court. (I was the only American).

I met up with my friends again for the night. We went to this little restaurant near the main strip. It was eventful. The kitchen started smoking at one point. The cook walked out. Someone had to go buy more groceries for our dinners. And overall. It took forever and we sitting there hungry and sweating. But, at least the food was good. After that we just chilled out. My friends' Airbnb had air conditioning, which is an absolute luxury.

In the morning we went to the beach again for a bit. Then hopped on the bus and rode on home. An easy week and a relaxing weekend. Jaco is a fun little place to visit.

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