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Actual Week 1

One week down! And wow, it was packed. I've started my classes, and I think they're going to be the more interesting than all other classes I've taken so far (except dendrology). I have Professor Jorge for Bio Diversity, Tropical Conservation, and Ecology and Population. He is completely deranged in the absolute best way. He's so passionate about all of the subjects, and he's had a ton of experience in the jungles of Costa Rica, and all over the United States as well. He's made the classes highly discussion based, so I'll be researching A LOT. The way he lectures is funny as well. He starts on one topic, and will create this web of side topics and asides and stories, then somehow tie it all back to the original point. He reminds me of my granddad Coach.

My tropical marine class is going to be really fun. I can't remember the teacher's name right now, but she's very nice. We didn't have a full class this week, so we only went over the basics of the syllabus. But, everything looks like it'll be really hands on and practical.

Finally, my Spanish class. It's a good time because it's the midlevel class. We know we're not the best, but we're not being bogged down with the basics. It's funny mostly. My teacher is pretty tough though. She really wants us to get better very quickly, so we'll see how it all turns out.

Ok. Now the fun stuff.

WE WENT ON SO MANY ADVENTURES ALL READY. We (meaning my new friends in the program and me) have been trying out new restaurants in San Ramón (I need to chill on spending money thought lol). Everywhere and everyone has been nice. I think we're going to become regulars at La Cantina. But, there's so much more to be explored Food-Wise.

Everyone is so funny when we go out. There's a stereotype that Americans are really loud and rambunctious, and we fit it perfectly. There's always something to laugh about.

Last night, we started up soccer Thursdays. We had a really fun first game. Max is really really good. I'm excited for this tradition. It was a bit dangerous though haha. We kept kicking the ball wrong and hitting each other. Marissa got a hard shot to the stomach, and I accidentally kicked the ball into my face. But, nothing serious and all in good fun.

Just today, Isaac, Ben, Max, Grace, Marissa, and myself went on a phenomenal hike. The views were spectacular. Ben is a Bird Guy, so he was pointing out all the birds and their names and such. It was wild. The birds here make the weirdest noises. Almost electronic sounding.

And, we visited the open air market for the first time. I know where I'll be getting my fresh fruits and vegetables. A friendly old Tico sold me a coconut and chopped it up right in front of me.

So yeah, it's been awesome and I can't wait for more.

Tomorrow we're headed to Playa Jaco! But that's for another post.


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