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Week 10

Alrighty, the rest of the week was packed. El was here until Sunday and boy howdy I'm so freaking grateful they came to visit me and we got to go on so many adventures. So, to recap.

Wednesday was pretty chill. It was rainy and a bit chilly so we knocked around San Ramón during the day. We had a lovely date at Santo Pecado, which is this really good restaurant here.

Thursday was a good day. We headed to Las Musas after classes. It was gorgeous. And Completely Deserted! We hiked to the top of the waterfall and looked out over canopy. Going down to the base of the falls we got to stand under the water. It kinda hurt. My skin was red afterwards. Partially from the cold and the sheer force of the water pellets hitting me. El and I got to go down the sketchy waterslide in the pool area. Sunning on the pool deck was nice. We were like lizards.

That evening we got dressed up somewhat fancy and I took El to Mae Culpa. The sunset, as aways, was beautiful out over the gulf. And (to be a bit sappy). I was with a very beautiful person as well. So the whole thing was dream-like. And the food. I LOVE pesto pasta. And the grilled veggies made me feel so healthy. That night El and I got to hang out with my friends out in San Ramón. The restaurant was SO loud when we first got there. Erin took one for the team and turned down the tv while the wait staff wasn't looking. Go Erin. Caleb bought this weird goopy coconut drink. We all tried it and were all disgusted. If you have me on instagram you can see Isaac trying it.

Friday we packed up and headed over to San José for the last weekend. Before we went though, we stopped by the open air market here. Brunch consisted of all types of local fruits and foods. El didn't like the orange peanut-type fruit, but LOVED guanoabana. So, wins all around. In San Jose, the museum of Natural Sciences is so cool. We got to nerd out over fossils, rocks, and weird taxidermy animals. ROCKS. For dinner, there was an odd diner soda restaurant. It was like a 60's diner but latin americanized. Idk it was surreal.

Fun fact, Relax Hostel in San José kinda sucked. That's all on that.

Saturday we saw ANOTHER VOLCANO. We went to Irazú. Its Enormous. You couldn't really see the bottom, but you could see the ashy sand and the high sides of the crater. I felt really small next to it. But yeah. And we got to see all the cool high elevation plants around the crater. As seen below, I got to hang out in one of those trees. We didn't have enough money for the bus, but some nice fellow travelers spotted us. But getting back to San Jose was a JOURNEY. We got out at the wrong stop in Cartago. So we (meaning me), had to ask around to the locals where the bus stop was. I felt so cool when I could talk in Spanish. But yeah, three buses later, we made it to the hostel for the final night. We had some banging Colombian food for our last meal.

The morning when El was leaving was a sad one already, but then, disaster struck. I got so incredibly sick. I'm talking awful sick. After getting El to the airport, and being throughly sad, I made it home and collapsed on my bed for the rest of the day/ night. Rip me.

But anyways. I'm so glad El came here. We had lots of adventures and mishaps. And Overall It was the best.

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